Epopteia (the state of “having seen” in Eleusinian Mysteries) was a review of philosophy and current affairs issued monthly from 1976 to 1991 and quarterly from 1991 to 1994. It was recognized as one of the leading european reviews at a conference of the European Association for Cultural Affairs (London, 1985). Its digitalization is a project of the Ambelos Cultural Centre and will, ultimately, re-deliver “Epopteia” in its internet domain. Ambelos hopes to further expand this project with the addition of other reviews that too had an impact on Greek literature and culture.

In hand with the digitalization of the old issues (available in the Greek section), Epopteia will also enter a new era as an Online Review. With new homages to people and topics as well as comments on current affairs, it will continue under the same Editors: Zenobia and Pan. Drakopoulos.

In its new form, Epopteia will be in both English and Greek – the same homages, but not necessarily with the same texts. We do please the reader to send us suggestions, sharing our goal of creating a magazine that is not simply run by an editor, but a true forum of the men of letters all over.

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Αρχαία Λύρα: Ποιητές και Πλάσματα